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Ridge And Groove Art!

Art by Patience White

My artistic journey

Hi everyone! My name is Patience White and like many artists, I’ve been in love with creativity my entire life. My mother tells me about when I was a little girl carrying around a pen and notepad everywhere I went. And now I see my own toddler doing the same while leaving no surface untouched with pen or marker.

Art teachers were always my favorite people growing up. I latched onto them and soaked up as much of their creative information as possible.

In middle school, my art teacher Mrs. Chilman guided us in painting murals in our hallway. I was having trouble getting small yellow streaks on Van Gogh’s cypresses when she offered up a toothpick from her take-out as a small painting tool. That moment made me realize that anything can be used to create beautiful art.

When I made the transition into high school, I slowly realized that I NEEDED art in my life to be happy. I had found beauty and strength through dancing in winter guard, but I noticed a significant sadness if I had a semester without an art class. So I took them ALL. Every class was taught by Mr. Morris, and his classroom always had the best vibe. He once secretly took a ceramic panda project I had made and submitted it to an art show at our local library in Scottsburg, Indiana. I can’t remember specifically what the ribbon said, but I do remember the boost in self-confidence I felt.

Heading into Hanover College in 2008 I didn’t plan on majoring in studio art. I was on track for a Math major with a French minor the first two years. But then the pressure to lock in a major pushed me to take the leap with studio art.

At Hanover, while being advised by Leticia Bajuyo I learned about the importance of technique, documentation, problem solving, decision making, conceptual art, and environmental art. This liberal arts education also taught me that all subjects, courses, and life is intertwined.

After graduating with a BA in Studio Art in 2012, I really started missing the unlimited access to the several art studios at Hanover. (ceramic studio, two woodshops, photography studio, and printmaking studio) Over the next 7 years I dove into various jobs and made art in the background.

In 2019 I settled down with my high school sweetheart and became a stay-at-home mother while art slowly resurfaced as a life priority.

That same year, I was hired to paint my first winter guard performance floor. They are typically 50x70 ft tarps and I’ve been doing one to three of them every winter since. I love working with the students while making that connection to my 6 years as a winter guard performer and painting.

In 2024 I found a local art group (known as the “artists roundtable”) that meets monthly to discuss current works at the Carnegie Cultural Arts Center in downtown New Albany, Indiana. (Newcomers always welcome) It has been so great to meet local artists, and a few creative opportunities have also emerged from those meetings.

In September 2024, for the first time, I had a piece accepted into the show titled “Mothering Me” at the Carnegie Center. That led to me guiding an artist’s workshop of 25 people on acrylic painting and collage. I was terrified but absolutely loved the experience.

Now I have a 2 and 5 year old I am planning to homeschool while I navigate what it really means to be a professional artist. Please stick around for updates of my artistic journey.

Feel free to share my work with others and send me an email if you’re interested in a commission or any other inquiries you may have!

Patience White